This is how OBJ processes your personal data:
According to these principles, Ohs Bruks Järnvägs Musieförening (also known as "Ohs", "the association") handles personal data:
Ohs only collects the personal information about its active members, members and visitors that is absolutely necessary to run the business.
The board of Ohs is responsible for personal data and this is where you turn in the following matters:
Get access to the information we have stored around you
Change incorrect personal data corrected
Get your personal information deleted
Get information about how long we intend to save your personal information
Contact information for Ohs:
Phone: 0370-651111
Postal address: Ohs Bruks Järnvägs Museiförening
Box 179
351 04 Växjö
If you have a complaint about Oh's handling of your personal data, you should contact the Data Inspectorate with the following contact information:
Phone: 08-657 61 00
Postal address: Datainspektionen, Box 8114104 20 Stockholm
Visiting address: Drottninggatan 29, floor 5